Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three (PDF)
(Sprache: Englisch)
In this exciting adventure geared for younger audiences, brothers Tom and Jack Dacre accompany their uncle on an expedition into the frigid north, hoping to establish themselves as fur traders, but their plans are thwarted by a nefarious scheme. Will the crew make it back alive?
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Produktinformationen zu „Bungalow Boys North of Fifty-Three (PDF)“
In this exciting adventure geared for younger audiences, brothers Tom and Jack Dacre accompany their uncle on an expedition into the frigid north, hoping to establish themselves as fur traders, but their plans are thwarted by a nefarious scheme. Will the crew make it back alive?
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: John Henry Goldfrap
- 2016, 190 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: The Floating Press
- ISBN-10: 1776599063
- ISBN-13: 9781776599066
- Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2016
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eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: PDF
- Größe: 0.90 MB
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