Clone Zone / Badger Learning (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
The Full Flight series of reading books are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are struggling to read. Each book has been carefully written for those with a reading age of approximately 7 to 8, but are packed full of adventure and...
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Produktinformationen zu „Clone Zone / Badger Learning (ePub)“
The Full Flight series of reading books are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are struggling to read. Each book has been carefully written for those with a reading age of approximately 7 to 8, but are packed full of adventure and brilliant illustrations to really grab the reader interest.Step into the future where friends Lee and Max are able to get themselves cloned. Lee thought it would be a good idea... how wrong could he be?
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Jillian Powell
- 2013, 32 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Badger Learning
- ISBN-10: 1781472610
- ISBN-13: 9781781472613
- Erscheinungsdatum: 10.01.2013
Abhängig von Bildschirmgröße und eingestellter Schriftgröße kann die Seitenzahl auf Ihrem Lesegerät variieren.
eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.74 MB
- Mit Kopierschutz
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