Frank, the Young Naturalist (PDF)
(Sprache: Englisch)
The juvenile action-adventure novels by Harry Castlemon (pen name of Charles Austin Fosdick) skyrocketed to remarkable levels of popularity in the late nineteenth century in the U.S. Frank, the Young Naturalist, one of the first books in the series,...
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Produktinformationen zu „Frank, the Young Naturalist (PDF)“
The juvenile action-adventure novels by Harry Castlemon (pen name of Charles Austin Fosdick) skyrocketed to remarkable levels of popularity in the late nineteenth century in the U.S. Frank, the Young Naturalist, one of the first books in the series, introduces the likable protagonist, Frank Nelson, as he embarks on an adventure in the great outdoors.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Harry Castlemon
- 2015, 184 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: The Floating Press
- ISBN-10: 1776591208
- ISBN-13: 9781776591206
- Erscheinungsdatum: 01.10.2015
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- Dateiformat: PDF
- Größe: 1.14 MB
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