Girl of Lies (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
From the bestselling author of Just Remember to Breathe comes a spinoff series of the Thompson Sisters.
Andrea Thompson is smart, assertive and beautiful. She's also desperately lonely. Raised in Europe by her grandmother, she struggles knowing...
Andrea Thompson is smart, assertive and beautiful. She's also desperately lonely. Raised in Europe by her grandmother, she struggles knowing...
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Produktinformationen zu „Girl of Lies (ePub)“
From the bestselling author of Just Remember to Breathe comes a spinoff series of the Thompson Sisters.
Andrea Thompson is smart, assertive and beautiful. She's also desperately lonely. Raised in Europe by her grandmother, she struggles knowing neither of her parents wanted her, and she has no idea why.
When Andrea receives an urgent call from her older sister Carrie, she agrees to fly to the United States to help. Carrie's newborn daughter Rachel needs a bone marrow transplant.
What Andrea doesn't know is that her return to the United States will launch a chain of events that will uncover secrets hidden for decades. Secrets which will rock the Thompson family and ignite a political firestorm.
Secrets that some will kill to protect.
Rachel's Peril
Girl of Lies is Book 1 of the Rachel's Peril political suspense trilogy, a spinoff series of the Thompson Sisters (A Song for Julia, Falling Stars, Just Remember to Breathe and The Last Hour). It is not necessary to have read the Thompson Sisters books before reading Rachel's Peril.
Andrea Thompson is smart, assertive and beautiful. She's also desperately lonely. Raised in Europe by her grandmother, she struggles knowing neither of her parents wanted her, and she has no idea why.
When Andrea receives an urgent call from her older sister Carrie, she agrees to fly to the United States to help. Carrie's newborn daughter Rachel needs a bone marrow transplant.
What Andrea doesn't know is that her return to the United States will launch a chain of events that will uncover secrets hidden for decades. Secrets which will rock the Thompson family and ignite a political firestorm.
Secrets that some will kill to protect.
Rachel's Peril
Girl of Lies is Book 1 of the Rachel's Peril political suspense trilogy, a spinoff series of the Thompson Sisters (A Song for Julia, Falling Stars, Just Remember to Breathe and The Last Hour). It is not necessary to have read the Thompson Sisters books before reading Rachel's Peril.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Charles Sheehan-Miles
- 2016, 330 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: XinXii
- ISBN-10: 3957034515
- ISBN-13: 9783957034519
- Erscheinungsdatum: 07.01.2016
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eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.62 MB
- Ohne Kopierschutz
- Vorlesefunktion
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