Music of the Distant Stars / An Aelf Fen Mystery Bd.3 (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
The new Lassair mystery from the author of the Hawkenlye books
Very early one summer morning, Lassair slips out of her Fenland village on a deeply personal mission and discovers the body of a young woman, hidden where it has no place to...
Very early one summer morning, Lassair slips out of her Fenland village on a deeply personal mission and discovers the body of a young woman, hidden where it has no place to...
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Produktinformationen zu „Music of the Distant Stars / An Aelf Fen Mystery Bd.3 (ePub)“
The new Lassair mystery from the author of the Hawkenlye books
Very early one summer morning, Lassair slips out of her Fenland village on a deeply personal mission and discovers the body of a young woman, hidden where it has no place to be. The girl's identity is quickly discovered but, as she wonders who killed her and why, Lassair swiftly becomes mystified and frightened. Why did a sweet natured seamstress have to die? Suspicion soon creeps uncomfortably close to home; then another body is found . . .
Very early one summer morning, Lassair slips out of her Fenland village on a deeply personal mission and discovers the body of a young woman, hidden where it has no place to be. The girl's identity is quickly discovered but, as she wonders who killed her and why, Lassair swiftly becomes mystified and frightened. Why did a sweet natured seamstress have to die? Suspicion soon creeps uncomfortably close to home; then another body is found . . .
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Alys Clare
- 2011, 256 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: The American University in Cairo Press
- ISBN-10: 1780100965
- ISBN-13: 9781780100968
- Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2011
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eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.37 MB
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