Scudder's Game (ePub)
The message floated in the sky for all to read; citizens chanted it to each other, motorists tooted it on their car horns as they drove the uncongested freeways. Earth had become a paradise, courtesy of Cordwainer Hardware...
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Have a Happy Golden Straub Day!
The message floated in the sky for all to read; citizens chanted it to each other, motorists tooted it on their car horns as they drove the uncongested freeways. Earth had become a paradise, courtesy of Cordwainer Hardware International; population dwindling, war a thing of the past, free, untrammelled sex the right of all. But is paradise everything . . .?
In this vividly realised novel, S. G. Compton charts the growth of CHI and the bland, idyllic world they engineered. Too idyllic for some; for beneath the surface darker forces were at work. At their heart was Scudder Laznett; brilliant, irascible, uncompromising. Scudder had begun a little game of his own; what that game was, Pete Laznett only discovered by slow degrees.
And what he discovered was horrifying.
- Autor: D G Compton
- 2011, Englisch
- Verlag: Orion
- ISBN-10: 0575118067
- ISBN-13: 9780575118065
- Erscheinungsdatum: 14.11.2011
Abhängig von Bildschirmgröße und eingestellter Schriftgröße kann die Seitenzahl auf Ihrem Lesegerät variieren.
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.28 MB
- Mit Kopierschutz
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