Secret Under Antarctica / UNDER THE SEA (ePub)
In the second Robby Hoenig adventure, Secret Under Antarctica, a scientific expedition...
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Dive into adventure in the last unknown territory on Earth - the sea. Join Robby Hoenig and a cast of characters as unusual as any ever met on a distant planet . . .
In the second Robby Hoenig adventure, Secret Under Antarctica, a scientific expedition becomes a race to stop a terrorist plot for world-wide disaster, buried beneath the ice of the South Pole . . .
Gordon R. Dickson's Robby Hoenig adventures are timeless young adult stories in the tradition of Arthur C. Clarke's Dolphin Island.
Gordon Rupert Dickson was born in Alberta, Canada, in 1923 but resided in the United States from the age of thirteen. Along with Robert A. Heinlein, he is regarded as one of the fathers of military space opera, his Dorsai! sequence being an early exemplar of both military SF and Future History. Dickson was one of the rare breed of authors as well known for his fantasy as his SF. The Dragon and the George, the first novel in his Dragon Knight sequence, was shortlisted for the World Fantasy Award and won the British Fantasy Award. Dickson's work also won him three Hugos and a Nebula. He died in 2001.
For more information see
- Autor: Gordon R Dickson
- 2013, 92 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Orion
- ISBN-10: 0575112298
- ISBN-13: 9780575112292
- Erscheinungsdatum: 13.05.2013
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- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.25 MB
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