Switch On (ePub)
Unleash Your Creativity and Thrive with the New Science & Spirit of Breakthrough
(Sprache: Englisch)
Switch On presents a compelling science-driven, wisdom-inspired answer to the most pressing question of the age: How do we as individuals, and our world as a whole, thrive? It is based on 20 years of research and experience at the forefront of personal,...
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Produktinformationen zu „Switch On (ePub)“
Switch On presents a compelling science-driven, wisdom-inspired answer to the most pressing question of the age: How do we as individuals, and our world as a whole, thrive? It is based on 20 years of research and experience at the forefront of personal, social and corporate change. The result is Breakthrough Biodynamics, a groundbreaking fusion of the latest neuroscience, evolution , ancient traditions, practical philosophy and powerful tools for making transformation happen.
Breakthrough Biodynamics will help you to:
Never be stuck or stressed again by using the 10-step Breakthrough Curve
Bring more freedom, consciousness, mindfulness into everyday life
Identify, and let go, of the habits and beliefs that are holding you back
Find peace by healing past pain and suffering
Discover your purpose and, with it, what to do with your life
Hone your intuition and use it to make great choices
Learn from the greatest leaders how to ensure your ideas become real
Turn inspiration into action and make a difference to your world
Breakthrough Biodynamics will help you to:
Never be stuck or stressed again by using the 10-step Breakthrough Curve
Bring more freedom, consciousness, mindfulness into everyday life
Identify, and let go, of the habits and beliefs that are holding you back
Find peace by healing past pain and suffering
Discover your purpose and, with it, what to do with your life
Hone your intuition and use it to make great choices
Learn from the greatest leaders how to ensure your ideas become real
Turn inspiration into action and make a difference to your world
Autoren-Porträt von Nick Seneca Jankel
NICK SENECA JANKEL is a 21st-century shaman who has helped over 50,000 individuals, hundreds of world-class organisations like Disney, Nike and Pepsi, national governments and millions of TV viewers to Œswitch on¹ and break through challenges. He has a triple First from Cambridge University in medicine and philosophy, and is a director of creative management consultancy wecreateworlwide.com and co-founder of ripeandready.com. He is a sought after inspirational speaker and hosted a BBC TV series as a breakthrough coach.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Nick Seneca Jankel
- 2015, 288 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Watkins Media
- ISBN-10: 1780288379
- ISBN-13: 9781780288376
- Erscheinungsdatum: 24.03.2015
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- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 1.98 MB
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