The Dolomites and their legends (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
The Dolomites, a range of mountains in the Southern Alps, are widely celebrated for their bizarre rock formations, light colour hues, and pristine nature. It is no coincidence that UNESCO declared the Pale Mountains a World Heritage Site and that, every...
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Produktinformationen zu „The Dolomites and their legends (ePub)“
The Dolomites, a range of mountains in the Southern Alps, are widely celebrated for their bizarre rock formations, light colour hues, and pristine nature. It is no coincidence that UNESCO declared the Pale Mountains a World Heritage Site and that, every single year, they attract tourists and nature enthusiasts from all around the globe. This enchanting mountain landscape, which is oftentimes cool and forbidding, has left an indelible mark on its inhabitants. Their veritable treasure trove of myths, legends and mystery stories is an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the Dolomites: the older generation has always passed down this heritage to a wide-eyed audience comprised of both the young and the young-at-heart.
This compilation by Karl Felix Wolff (1879-1966), probably the most prominent regional writer-explorer of legends, contains well-known tales like "King Laurin and the Alp-Glow" and "The Kingdom of the Fanes" in addition to lesser known stories such as "The Nightingale of the Sasslong", "Iron Hand" and "Merisana's Wedding". This book is a unique collection on your perspective of the Dolomites.
This compilation by Karl Felix Wolff (1879-1966), probably the most prominent regional writer-explorer of legends, contains well-known tales like "King Laurin and the Alp-Glow" and "The Kingdom of the Fanes" in addition to lesser known stories such as "The Nightingale of the Sasslong", "Iron Hand" and "Merisana's Wedding". This book is a unique collection on your perspective of the Dolomites.
Lese-Probe zu „The Dolomites and their legends (ePub)“
THE SHEPHERD OF MONTE CRISTALLO Once upon a time, on the pink-coloured Monte Cristallo, where now only terribly steep walls are to be seen, there stood a magnificent castle. Its towers and pinnacles raised their tops proudly above the valley, and greeted us merrily as they shone in the sun over the snow-peaks of the Marmolata. In this castle there dwelt a beautiful and charming princess, and many princes had already sued for her hand, but they all came away as rejected wooers and were never again seen in the locality. The princess took a real pleasure in refusing each lover after giving him a problem which no one was able to solve. She wanted to be told a story concerning herself, which she did not know, and yet which she had to believe. No one was able to fulfill these three conditions, for who could know anything credible about the princess which she herself did not know? When a suitor began to speak, the princess used to look at him so inquiringly with her big blue eyes that he became quite embarrassed. No matter how much the men wearied themselves in their efforts to invent something strange, and to speak the greatest flatteries, it was all to no purpose.
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu „The Dolomites and their legends (ePub)“
Editorial Note The Pale Mountains The Nightingale of the Sasslong The Latemar Dolls The Shepherd of Monte Cristallo King Laurin and the Alp-Glow The Alpine Pasture of Seis and the Promised Time The Colour Splendour of the Karer See (Lake) The Queen of the Crodères Albolina Iron Hand The Hut of the Forget-me-Nots Merisana's Wedding The Birch-Child Conturina The Kingdom of the Fanes Afterword by Ulrike Kindl: Karl Felix Wolff, The Dolomites and their Legends Glossary of Place Names
Autoren-Porträt von Karl Felix Wolff
Karl Felix Wolff is born in 1879. It was an elderly nanny from the Fassa Valley who first recounted the Ladin legends to Wolff. He became a journalist and writer, and wandered unceasingly all over the Dolomites in search of forgotten legends. The importance of Wolff's work in preserving the ancient Ladin myths simply cannot be overstated. He died in Bolzano in 1966.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Karl Felix Wolff
- 2013, 1. Auflage, 160 Seiten, Englisch
- Übersetzer: Lea Rukavina
- Verlag: Edition Raetia
- ISBN-10: 887283452X
- ISBN-13: 9788872834527
- Erscheinungsdatum: 09.02.2013
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- Größe: 1.24 MB
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