The World-Thinker and Other Stories (ePub)
Contents: The World-Thinker, Dream Castle ("I'll Build Your Dream Castle"), Seven Exits from Bocz, The God and the...
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This volume includes Vance's first published story ("The World-Thinker") and a selection of other stories including the novella "Telek".
Contents: The World-Thinker, Dream Castle ("I'll Build Your Dream Castle"), Seven Exits from Bocz, The God and the Temple Robber ("The Temple of Han"), Telek, Men of The Ten Books, D.P., Noise ("Music of the Spheres"), The Absent Minded Professor ("First Star I See Tonight"; "Murder Observed"), The Devil On Salvation Bluff, Where Hesperus Falls, The Phantom Milkman, A Practical Man's Guide, The House Lords, The Secret
All Jack Vance titles in the SFGateway use the author's preferred texts, as restored for the Vance Integral Edition (VIE), an extensive project masterminded by an international online community of Vance's admirers. In general, we also use the VIE titles, and have adopted the arrangement of short story collections to eliminate overlaps.
- Autor: Jack Vance
- 2011, 187 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Orion
- ISBN-10: 0575109874
- ISBN-13: 9780575109872
- Erscheinungsdatum: 14.11.2011
Abhängig von Bildschirmgröße und eingestellter Schriftgröße kann die Seitenzahl auf Ihrem Lesegerät variieren.
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.41 MB
- Mit Kopierschutz
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