Ashfall Legacy (ePub)
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Pittacus Lore finished telling the story of the Lorien Nine in the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four and Lorien Legacies Reborn series. Now he's back to recount an all-new adventure rooted in the real mysteries surrounding Roswell, New Mexico, that will enthrall fans of Brandon Sanderson, Jay Kristoff, and Amie Kaufman.
We have waited generations for you...
Syd Chambers knows that there's life on other planets because he's descended from it. His father was from a distant world called Denza and has been missingpresumed deadfor years.
When Syd discovers a device his father left behind which shows not only that he's alive, but where he is, Syd must set out on a mission of his own. But along the way, he discovers a deadly, unbearable secret that could destroy Denza, Earth, and the universe.
- Autor: Pittacus Lore
- Altersempfehlung: Ab 13 Jahre
- 2021, 448 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Harper Collins
- ISBN-10: 0062845381
- ISBN-13: 9780062845382
- Erscheinungsdatum: 17.08.2021
Abhängig von Bildschirmgröße und eingestellter Schriftgröße kann die Seitenzahl auf Ihrem Lesegerät variieren.
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 8.47 MB
- Mit Kopierschutz
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