Esther / The Floating Press (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
Henry Adams' Esther puts a novel spin on the classic scenario of ill-matched lovers. Esther is a spirited, independent artist who also happens to be a committed atheist with deep disdain for organized religion. But when she falls in love with a minister,...
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Produktinformationen zu „Esther / The Floating Press (ePub)“
Henry Adams' Esther puts a novel spin on the classic scenario of ill-matched lovers. Esther is a spirited, independent artist who also happens to be a committed atheist with deep disdain for organized religion. But when she falls in love with a minister, she starts to question all of her beliefs. Is it possible for this pair to overcome their differences?
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: Henry Adams
- 2014, 179 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: The Floating Press
- ISBN-10: 1776586255
- ISBN-13: 9781776586257
- Erscheinungsdatum: 01.09.2014
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- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.34 MB
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