Forever (ePub)
(Sprache: Englisch)
Lydia Susi and Daniel Joseph's story continues in the Lair of the Wolven series from #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward.
For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she's...
For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she's...
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Produktinformationen zu „Forever (ePub)“
Lydia Susi and Daniel Joseph's story continues in the Lair of the Wolven series from #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward.
For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she's used to being aloneuntil destiny gives her the kind of love she never dared to dream about. But after a sudden devastating diagnosis, grief is the only thing she sees in her future.
As an operative for a clandestine arm of the United States government, Daniel Joseph always expected to die an early death. He just assumed it would be out in the fieldnot in a laboratory hospital bed. With his time running out, he refuses a potentially lifesaving treatment to focus on making sure that Lydia finds her wolven clan.
Following an attack on the lab's compound, Daniel fears his former boss is coming after the two of them. Marshaling his strength, he must call on all of his training to protect his love…even if it means her moving on without him.
For Lydia Susi, there is no sweet sorrow in saying goodbye to the man she loves. As a wolven hiding among humans, she's used to being aloneuntil destiny gives her the kind of love she never dared to dream about. But after a sudden devastating diagnosis, grief is the only thing she sees in her future.
As an operative for a clandestine arm of the United States government, Daniel Joseph always expected to die an early death. He just assumed it would be out in the fieldnot in a laboratory hospital bed. With his time running out, he refuses a potentially lifesaving treatment to focus on making sure that Lydia finds her wolven clan.
Following an attack on the lab's compound, Daniel fears his former boss is coming after the two of them. Marshaling his strength, he must call on all of his training to protect his love…even if it means her moving on without him.
Autoren-Porträt von J. R. Ward
J.R. Ward
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autor: J. R. Ward
- 2023, 480 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Simon + Schuster LLC
- ISBN-10: 1982180218
- ISBN-13: 9781982180218
- Erscheinungsdatum: 28.03.2023
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eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 6.67 MB
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