Phoenix (ePub)
'The Last Romantic' was full of...
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In the 24th Century, mankind lives in Utopia. Everyone is happy, apart from one man. 'A misfit, a throwback, a genuine freak' is how eighteen year old Bard (with typical eighteen year old romanticism) describes himself.
'The Last Romantic' was full of bravado, for in the perfect society individualism was not encouraged, and the threat of 'rehabilitation' was ever present. But Bard had a plan - he would enter the Caves of Sleep until he was twenty-one, his own man without let or hindrance, and in control of a fairly large fortune. But even in Utopia, plans have a way of going awry.
Born John Middleton Murry, Jnr, the son of writer John Middleton Murry, Richard Cowper was the pseudonym under which most of his science fiction was published (he wrote four novels under the name 'Colin Murry'). He served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, although he as lucky enough not to see combat. After the war, he read Anglo-Saxon and English at Oxford. His works were shortlisted for the Hugo, Nebula, British Fantasy and Locus Awards. He died in 2002, four weeks after the death of his wife.
- Autor: Richard Cowper
- 2011, 186 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Orion
- ISBN-10: 0575108118
- ISBN-13: 9780575108110
- Erscheinungsdatum: 29.09.2011
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- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.26 MB
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