Sport and Social Movements (ePub)
From the Local to the Global
(Sprache: Englisch)
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From neighborhood coalitions organizing against the building of a sport facility for professional sports teams...
From neighborhood coalitions organizing against the building of a sport facility for professional sports teams...
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This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on
From neighborhood coalitions organizing against the building of a sport facility for professional sports teams subsidized by public funds, to global campaigns for equity for women in sport, to worldwide bans of apartheid regimes, sites and levels of protest, resistance and activism have been present throughout the history of sport. Contentious forms of collective actions are now ever more present in various forms at the local, the national and the global levels.
Sport and Social Movements: From the Local to the Global is the first book-length treatment of the way social movements have intersected and continue to intersect with sport. It traces the history of various social movements associated with labour, women, peace, the environment and rights (civil, racial, disability and sexual), and their relationship to sport and sports mega-events such as the Olympic Games.
Based on research conducted by a multinational team of authors that draws on theories of social movements and new social movements, the book includes a valuable chronology of social movements, illustrations of key episodes in the development of the relationships between sport and different social movements and an agenda for future research and scholarship.
Written in a clear and comprehensive style it is suitable for all levels of higher education, researchers and the general reader who want to know more about the role that sport has played in the development of social movements and campaigns for social justice.
From neighborhood coalitions organizing against the building of a sport facility for professional sports teams subsidized by public funds, to global campaigns for equity for women in sport, to worldwide bans of apartheid regimes, sites and levels of protest, resistance and activism have been present throughout the history of sport. Contentious forms of collective actions are now ever more present in various forms at the local, the national and the global levels.
Sport and Social Movements: From the Local to the Global is the first book-length treatment of the way social movements have intersected and continue to intersect with sport. It traces the history of various social movements associated with labour, women, peace, the environment and rights (civil, racial, disability and sexual), and their relationship to sport and sports mega-events such as the Olympic Games.
Based on research conducted by a multinational team of authors that draws on theories of social movements and new social movements, the book includes a valuable chronology of social movements, illustrations of key episodes in the development of the relationships between sport and different social movements and an agenda for future research and scholarship.
Written in a clear and comprehensive style it is suitable for all levels of higher education, researchers and the general reader who want to know more about the role that sport has played in the development of social movements and campaigns for social justice.
Autoren-Porträt von Jean Harvey, John Horne, Parissa Safai, Simon Darnell, Sebastien Courchesne-O'Neill
Jean Harvey is a Professor at the School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Canada. He is the Founding Director of the Research Centre for Sport in Canadian Society at the same university. He is the author of several books, journal articles, book chapters and editor of several special issues for different academic journals. His books include Not Just a Game: issues in Canadian Sport Sociology (University of Ottawa Press, 1988 , co-edited with Hart Cantelon) and Image-Building in Canadian Municipalities (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012, co-edited with Robert Young). His main areas of research are public sport policy and sport in the context of globalization.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autoren: Jean Harvey , John Horne , Parissa Safai , Simon Darnell , Sebastien Courchesne-O'Neill
- 2013, 1. Auflage, 208 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Bloomsbury UK
- ISBN-10: 1780935560
- ISBN-13: 9781780935560
- Erscheinungsdatum: 21.11.2013
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- Größe: 0.40 MB
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