The Key to Venudine / Keys to the Dimensions Bd.3 (ePub)
Lai half stretched up from the princess's restraining arms. The room was empty of other life apart from Sir Fezius and the...
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Rodro's men were pushing past, were blundering with reeking weapons into the room to kill and take the princess away.
Lai half stretched up from the princess's restraining arms. The room was empty of other life apart from Sir Fezius and the two knights now lifting their swords, ready to cut down Lai.
A popping noise sounded like a drum bursting.
A man appeared in the middle of the room.
One moment he was not there; the next he stood there, holding a bulky stick in his arm, peering about with a white face. He said something that sounded like "Skeet."
The next instant the room resounded with an avalanche roar and a hellfire blast of scorching flame.
Henry Kenneth Bulmer was born in London in 1921. He was a prolific author, writing over 160 novels under a bewildering array of pen names, and including adventure, historical and western novels, as well as TV tie-ins in addition to his prodigious science fiction output. He died in 2005.
- Autor: Kenneth Bulmer
- 2012, 320 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Orion
- ISBN-10: 0575122269
- ISBN-13: 9780575122260
- Erscheinungsdatum: 14.12.2012
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- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.28 MB
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