Thoughtful Eating (ePub)
Food, relationships and the environment from a biblical perspective
(Sprache: Englisch)
Eating is never a solitary act; each meal connects us profoundly to food chains, precious resources, human effort, a global ecology and graced provision. How does the food we eat affect the planet? What is a biblical response to environmental degradation,...
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Produktinformationen zu „Thoughtful Eating (ePub)“
Eating is never a solitary act; each meal connects us profoundly to food chains, precious resources, human effort, a global ecology and graced provision. How does the food we eat affect the planet? What is a biblical response to environmental degradation, and how can we eat in a way that honours God? This book addresses the high environmental and social costs of modern food systems and provides theological reflections on the interconnected relationships between God, humanity and the non-human creation. By developing an extensive theology of food and eating, it suggests practical applications for individuals, organisations and policymakers, and proposes a framework for thoughtful eating so that we can learn to eat joyfully, relationally and sustainably. This book is widely and carefully-researched, biblically-rooted, judiciously balanced and yet will challenge you to re-evaluate what and how you eat. Food is not just fuel, but spiritually, socially and ecologically laden with meaning. A renewed relationship with food can transform our relationships with ourselves, our neighbours, the wider creation and even with God. Reading this will show you how. Dave Bookless, Director of Theology, A Rocha International
Autoren-Porträt von Hannah Eves, Katharine Martin, Andrew Phillips, Peter Redmayne
A biblical perspective on food, relationships and the environment. By Hannah Eves, Katherine Martin, Andrew Phillips, Peter Redmayne.
Bibliographische Angaben
- Autoren: Hannah Eves , Katharine Martin , Andrew Phillips , Peter Redmayne
- 2023, 124 Seiten, Englisch
- Verlag: Sallux Publishing
- ISBN-10: 9492697343
- ISBN-13: 9789492697349
- Erscheinungsdatum: 16.02.2023
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eBook Informationen
- Dateiformat: ePub
- Größe: 0.73 MB
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