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The Lives of Butterflies

David G. James, David J. Lohman

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Erschienen am 09.01.2024
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Pathfinder 2- Monsterhandbuch

Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Alexander Augunas, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Eleanor Ferron, Leo Glass, Thurston Hillman, James Jacobs, Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, Tim Nightengale, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Michael Sayre, Chris S. Sims, Jerey Swank, Jason Tondro, Tonya Woldridge, and Linda Zayas-Palmer, Patrick Renie, Linda Zayas-Palmer

0 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 04.05.2020
Buch (Kartoniert)


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Erschienen am 27.09.2016
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Erschienen am 31.05.2024
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Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course

David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall, Elizabeth Yost Hammer

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Erscheint am 01.07.2024

Das Märchen von Hitlers Papst

David G. Dalin

0 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 27.11.2023


David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

0 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 24.11.2023

Sommerhaus am See

David James Poissant

4 Sterne


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 04.04.2024


T. G. Henry James, Araldo De Luca

0 Sterne
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Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 25.10.2022

Pathfinder 2 - Königsmacher 2E Abenteuerpfad

Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Neil Spicer, Greg A. Vaughan

0 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 05.03.2024

The Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern Africa

Ivan G. Horak, Heloise Heyne, Roy Williams, G. James Gallivan, Arthur M. Spickett, J. Dürr Bezuidenhout, Agustín Estrada-Peña

0 Sterne
Buch (Kartoniert)


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Flexible Robot Dynamics and Controls

Rush D. Robinett III, John Feddema, G. Richard Eisler, Clark Dohrmann, Gordon G. Parker, David G. Wilson, Dennis Stokes

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Pathfinder 2 - Königsmacher 2E Gefährten-Band

Alex Augunas, Russ Brown, Jeremy Corff, Steven T. Helt, Eric Hindley, James Jacobs, Victoria Jaczko, Jeff Lee, Tom McQueen, Jason Nelson, Chris Perrin, Richard Pett, David N. Ross, Mike Welham

0 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 05.03.2024

Stadt der Vergeltung

James Patterson, David Ellis

0 Sterne


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 22.02.2023

The Aquatic World of Penguins

David G Ainley, Rory P Wilson

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An Invitation to Mathematical Biology

David G Costa, Paul J Schulte

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Digital Communication

John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt

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Dual Phase Evolution

David G. Green, Jing Liu, Hussein Abbass

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ACS Without an Attitude

Harold L Hallock, Gary Welter, David G. Simpson, Christopher Rouff

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Linear and Nonlinear Programming

David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye

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Contract Research and Development Organizations-Their History, Selection, and Utilization

Shayne C. Gad, Charles B. Spainhour, David G. Serota

0 Sterne
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Linear and Nonlinear Programming

David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye

0 Sterne
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Psychology in Everyday Life (International Edition)

David G. Myers, C. Nathan DeWall

0 Sterne
Buch (Kartoniert)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 15.03.2023


David G Marwell, David G. Marwell

5 Sterne
Buch (Gebunden)


Dekorierter Weihnachtsbaum
In den Warenkorb
Erschienen am 13.03.2021

The Noble Army

James Hawkey, Anthony Ball, Tricia Halls, David Hoyle, David Stanton, Bashar Warda

0 Sterne
Buch (Kartoniert)


Erscheint am 20.06.2024

The Ecology and Management of Wetlands

Donal D. Hook, W. H. Jr. Mckee, H. K. Smith, James Gregory, V. G. Jr. Burrell, M. Richard DeVoe, R. E. Sojka, Stephen Gilbert, Roger Banks, L. H. Stolzy, Chris Brooks, Thomas D. Matthews, T. H. Shear

0 Sterne
Buch (Kartoniert)


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Robust Multivariable Flight Control

Richard J. Adams, James M. Buffington, Andrew G. Sparks, Siva S. Banda

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Biography of James G. Blaine

Gail Hamilton

0 Sterne
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Erschienen am 09.01.2024
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200 Meisterwerke der Literaturgeschichte

Franz Kafka, Jane Austen, Wolfram Von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Heinrich von Kleist, Friedrich Hölderlin, Theodor Fontane, Gustav Freytag, Gottfried Keller, Theodor Storm, Stefan Zweig, Mary Shelley, Josef Freiherr von Eichendorff, Klaus Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, Johanna Spyri, Joseph Roth, Karl May, Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emily Brontë, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Giacomo Casanova, Luigi Pirandello, Giosuè Carducci, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes De Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Charlotte Brontë, Knut Hamsun, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Sophokles, Euripides, Anne Brontë, Aristophanes, Laotse, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Lukian, William Makepeace Thackeray, Petronius, Apuleius, Longos von Lesbos, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lord Byron, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Giacomo Leopardi, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Washington Irvin, O. Henry, Ambrose Bierce, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Michail Lermontow, Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Marcel Proust, Iwan Gontscharow, Nikolai Leskow, Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow, Maxim Gorki, François Rabelais, Jean De La Fontaine, Blaise Pascal, Pierre Corneille, Moliere, Jean Baptiste Racine, Henrik Ibsen, Charles Perrault, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos, Antoine-François Prévost, Marquis de Sade, François René Chateaubriand, Stendhal, Honoré de Balzac, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Alexandre Dumas, Alphonse de Lamartine, George Sand, Gustave Flaubert, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Alphonse Daudet, Jules Verne, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Prosper Mérimée, Charles Dickens, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg

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Erschienen am 04.12.2023
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200 Meisterwerke der Literatur

Lew Tolstoi, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë, William Makepeace Thackeray, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Henrik Ibsen, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Franz Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Edmond Rostand, Jean Giraudoux, Lord Byron, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg, Wolfram Von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Victor Hugo, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Luigi Pirandello, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes De Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Knut Hamsun, Friedrich Nietzsche, Giacomo Leopardi, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Tacitus, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Marcel Proust, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus

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Erschienen am 13.04.2024
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200 Literarische Meisterwerke der Weltgeschichte

Lew Tolstoi, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Anne Brontë, William Makepeace Thackeray, Bram Stoker, Henry Fielding, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, William Shakespeare, D. H. Lawrence, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Thomas Wolfe, Joseph Conrad, Sinclair Lewis, Lewis Carrol, Edgar Allan Poe, Henrik Ibsen, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, Daniel Defoe, James Fenimore Cooper, Lew Wallace, Jonathan Swift, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain, Walter Scott, Franz Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Laurence Sterne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, Edgar Wallace, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, John Galsworthy, Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rudyard Kipling, G. K. Chesterton, Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin, Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Gogol, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Edmond Rostand, Jean Giraudoux, Lord Byron, André Gide, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Gottfried von Straßburg, Wolfram Von Eschenbach, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Victor Hugo, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Luigi Pirandello, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miguel Cervantes De Saavedra, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Vicente Blasco Ibañez, Knut Hamsun, Friedrich Nietzsche, Giacomo Leopardi, Homer, Äsop, Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon, Platon, Aristoteles, Tacitus, Konfuzius, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Marcel Proust, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Vergil, Ovid, Mark Aurel, Aurelius Augustinus

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Erschienen am 27.11.2023
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Beware The Silence

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 27.12.2023
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Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, John Buchan, William Polidori, H. H. Munro, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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eBook (ePub)


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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 21.12.2023
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The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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eBook (ePub)


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Erschienen am 21.12.2023
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Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, John Buchan, William Polidori, H. H. Munro, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger

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Erschienen am 21.12.2023
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The Horror Beyond Life's Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, William Polidori, John Buchan, Sabine Baring-Gould, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Fitz James O'Brien, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Oscar Wilde, Catherine Crowe, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stanley G. Weinbaum, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 01.12.2023
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Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, John Buchan, William Polidori, H. H. Munro, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger

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Erschienen am 01.12.2023
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The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 01.12.2023
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Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 19.11.2023
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The Horror Beyond Life's Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, John Buchan, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, Adelbert von Chamisso, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Oscar Wilde, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki)

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Erschienen am 19.11.2023
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SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, William Polidori, John Buchan, Sabine Baring-Gould, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Fitz James O'Brien, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Oscar Wilde, Catherine Crowe, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stanley G. Weinbaum, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky

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Erschienen am 19.11.2023
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The Call of Hidden Monsters

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, William Polidori, John Buchan, Sabine Baring-Gould, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Le Gallienne, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Guy de Maupassant, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, Mark Twain, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, Saki, William Makepeace Thackeray, Adelbert von Chamisso, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Fitz James O'Brien, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Oscar Wilde, Catherine Crowe, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Robert Louis Stevenson, Stanley G. Weinbaum, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, William Hope Hodgson, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky

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Erschienen am 17.07.2023
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Fear of the Unknown - Anthology

Wilhelm Hauff, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Villiers l'Isle de Adam, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, John Buchan, Richard Le Gallienne, Guy de Maupassant, Louis Tracy, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Mark Twain, Brander Matthews, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Leonid Andreyev, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Adelbert von Chamisso, Edward Bellamy, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Oscar Wilde, Robert W. Chambers, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert E. Howard, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, William Hope Hodgson, Fitz-James O'Brien, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki), Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky

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Erschienen am 24.03.2023
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Horror Classics - Ultimate Collection

Wilhelm Hauff, John Buchan, William F. Harvey, Fiona Macleod, William T. Stead, Gambier Bolton, Andrew Jackson Davis, Nizida, Walter F. Prince, Chester Bailey Fernando, Louis Tracy, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Richard Le Gallienne, Guy de Maupassant, Bram Stoker, Anatole France, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jack London, Henry James, Théophile Gautier, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Ralph Adams Cram, Thomas De Quincey, John Meade Falkner, Thomas Hardy, William Archer, Daniel Defoe, John Kendrick Bangs, Cleveland Moffett, Brander Matthews, Mark Twain, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Horace Walpole, Rudyard Kipling, Lafcadio Hearn, Hugh Walpole, Ambrose Bierce, Frederick Marryat, Ellis Parker Butler, Washington Irving, Leonid Andreyev, Harriet Beecher Stowe, David Lindsay, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Grant Allen, Arthur Machen, Wilkie Collins, William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Peckett Prest, James Malcolm Rymer, Fergus Hume, Edward Bellamy, Adelbert von Chamisso, Walter Hubbell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Leopold Kompert, Richard Marsh, Florence Marryat, Catherine Crowe, John William Polidori, Vincent O'Sullivan, H. G. Wells, Robert W. Chambers, Oscar Wilde, W. W. Jacobs, M. P. Shiel, E. F. Benson, Jerome K. Jerome, M. R. James, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Stanley G. Weinbaum, George W. M. Reynolds, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edith Nesbit, Sabine Baring-Gould, William Thomas Beckford, Francis Marion Crawford, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Louisa Molesworth, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Nikolai Gogol, Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Gaskell, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Frank R. Stockton, A. T. Quiller-Couch, Ann Radcliffe, Louisa M. Alcott, Amelia B. Edwards, Leonard Kip, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Fitz-James O'Brien, William Hope Hodgson, Katherine Rickford, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine L. Pirkis, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Pedro de Alarçon, H. H. Munro (Saki), Pliny The Younger, Helena Blavatsky, Villiers l'Isle de Adam

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Erschienen am 21.02.2023
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Lo que el Covid-19 nos dejó

Leonardo Sabogal Murcia, Lilian Andrea CarrilloRodríguez, Paola Andrea Garizado Román, Elizabeth Aponte Jaramillo, Jhon James Mora Rodríguez, Paola Andrea Castillo Beltran, Rafael Mauricio Martinez Gutierrez, Jorge Alonso Marulanda Bohórquez, Víctor Hugo Gil Avendaño, Joan Sebastián Ordoñez Cuastumal, Erminsul Palomino Bejarano, Cristian David Ocampo Macías, Paula Andrea González-Parra, Andrés Mauricio González Vargas, Jorge Mauricio Escobar Sarria, Alberto Nájera López, Valentina Bradbury, Rodrigo J. Ocampo G., Victoria E. Concha Ávila, Carlos Hernán Isáziga David, Luis Enrique David Tenorio, Alfredo Beltrán Amador, Andrés López Astudillo

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Erschienen am 17.02.2023
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The Ultimate SF Collection: 140 Stories od Dystopias, Space Adventures & Lost Worlds

Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Mark Twain, Edward Bellamy, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, Fred M. White, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, James Fenimore Cooper, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London

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Erschienen am 29.12.2023
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SF Boxed Set: 140+ Intergalactic Action Adventures, Dystopian Novels & Lost World Classics

Jules Verne, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Edward Bellamy, Mark Twain, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Fred M. White, Robert Louis Stevenson, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, James Fenimore Coope, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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The Greats of Sci-Fi: H. G Wells Edition

Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Mark Twain, Edward Bellamy, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, Fred M. White, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, James Fenimore Cooper, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London

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Erschienen am 26.12.2023
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SF Boxed Set: 140+ Intergalactic Action Adventures, Dystopian Novels & Lost World Classics

Jules Verne, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Edward Bellamy, Mark Twain, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Fred M. White, Robert Louis Stevenson, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, James Fenimore Coope, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle

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Erschienen am 21.12.2023
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The Greats of Sci-Fi: H. G Wells Edition

Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Mark Twain, Edward Bellamy, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Robert Louis Stevenson, Fred M. White, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, James Fenimore Cooper, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London

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Erschienen am 21.12.2023
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SCIENCE FICTION Ultimate Collection

Jules Verne, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, William Morris, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Butler, David Lindsay, Edward Everett Hale, Edward Bellamy, Mark Twain, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Wallace, Francis Bacon, Robert Cromie, Abraham Merritt, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H. G. Wells, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Fred M. White, Robert Louis Stevenson, H. P. Lovecraft, Garrett P. Serviss, Henry Rider Haggard, Mary Shelley, Malcolm Jameson, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Otis Adelbert Kline, C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, Edwin A. Abbott, Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett, Hugh Benson, Margaret Cavendish, James Fenimore Coope, William Hope Hodgson, George Macdonald, Percy Greg, Jack London, Arthur Conan Doyle

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Erschienen am 16.12.2023
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