Handbook of Green Chemistry - Green Solvents (PDF)
Volume 5 - Reactions in Water
(Sprache: Englisch)
The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of reactions in water. Edited by one of the leaders in the field, Professor C.-J. Li, this is an essential resource for anyone...
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Produktinformationen zu „Handbook of Green Chemistry - Green Solvents (PDF)“
The shift towards being as environmentally-friendly as possible has resulted in the need for this important volume on the topic of reactions in water. Edited by one of the leaders in the field, Professor C.-J. Li, this is an essential resource for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the world of green chemistry, as well as for chemists, environmental agencies and chemical engineers.
Series Editor:Paul T. Anastas joined Yale University as Professor and iserves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. From 2004-2006, Paul Anastas has been the Director of the Green Chemistry Institute in Washington, D.C. Until June of 2004 he served as Assistant Director for Environment at e White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where his responsibilities included a wide range of environmental science issues including furthering international public-private cooperation in areas of Science for Sustainability such as Green Chemistry. In 1991, he established the industry-government-university partnership Green Chemistry Program, which was expanded to include basic research, and the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. He has published and edited several books in the field of Green Chemistry and developed the 12 principles of Green Chemistry.
Volume Editor:
Professor Chao-Jun Li received his Ph.D at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and did a NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University (USA). He was on the faculty at Tulane University (New Orleans, USA) until 2003. Since 2003, he has been at McGill University where he currently holds a Canada Research Chair (in Green Chemistry) and an E. B. Eddy Chair Professorship. He has published over 300 scientific publications and received numerous awards including the US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award and the Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science) and is an Associate Editor for "Green Chemistry" of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
Bibliographische Angaben
- 2014, 1. Auflage, 427 Seiten, Englisch
- Herausgegeben: Chao-Jun Li
- Verlag: Wiley-VCH
- ISBN-10: 3527688560
- ISBN-13: 9783527688562
- Erscheinungsdatum: 07.04.2014
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